Hope you had an awesome weekend!
I sure did-Completely excited about the response I'm getting on my facebook page!
Thankyou for liking and sharing it! Big up yourself!
On that note, I decided to make something sweet. Ever had those evenings you didnt feel like eating anything salty. I decided to make breakfast for dinner with a twist.
I came up with a simple and absolutely tasty pancake recipe.
I combined the ingredients I had at home, bought some syrup and whipping cream and vuala! I was in pancake heaven.
Ingredients:- [Makes up to 12-14 pancakes]
1 cup milk
The juice of one orange
Orange zest/ grated peel
2 eggs
1 cup melted unsalted butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
Maple syrup
Can of ready whipped cream
Cooking oil/butter
I started off by beating the eggs for about 1 min. The more you beat them the more air you trap in, which in turn makes your pancakes nice and spongy.
I then added the sugar, half the milk, vanilla essence, the butter and mixed them all together.
After that, I added the flour, the rest of the milk, the orange juice and lastly the orange zest and mixed it well.
The batter at this point is slightly thick and flows easily.
I then put a pan with oil to heat up on the cooking stove.
Once the oil was hot, I added a big spoonful of the batter.
I didn't move the pan too much to spread the batter since I was aiming for thick and fluffy pancakes and not the usual thin ones, [commonly known as crepes] that most people like cooking.
Careful not to burn them on one side, I flipped them and allowed to cook for a minute or two until they obtained a nice brown color.
I then served them with some maple syrup, some whipped cream and some orange zest/grated peel.
These were absolutely so yummy and I'm eagerly awaiting your feedback as well.
P.s You can get the maple syrup at most nakumatt supermarkerts & I found the can of whipped cream in the nakumatt uk located in westlands.