Happy 2014!
I'm sure glad a new year is with us! God is too faithful! This year, lets aim to walk fearlessly and step out in faith in those areas that we have been stagnant on.
Im very excited about what is instore for this blog!
New segments include:-
-The Guest and recipe of the Week
-Restaurant reviews-favorite dishes
-Featuring the pics you send me of trying our recipes
-Advertising the best go-to places & bakeries in town
I look forward to cooking up a serious meal this week so await my post! I feel inspired to do a couscous salad and some pork chops! Some things you just see in your dreams, and then you wake up and get in your kitchen to make it, hoping that it looks and tastes better than your dream. :-))
Below are the pics of some of the dishes I made and dishes I have enjoyed in some restaurants that I look forward to writing a review about.
I look forward to letting you in on the go-to places for breakfast, lunch, brunch or dinner! It will be exciting to see the best culinary spots in the city!
Recipes and reviews coming real soon!
Baked pesto pasta
Tuna and macaroni
Chicken Salad 
Chicken Galvetto
Chicken Burrito with mushroom sauce and guacamole
These are only but a few!
Lets get cooking!
Try out new places this year!
Sincerely Jaz.
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