Im excited about this recipe! After seeing a friend's post on facebook saying how she'd just made some meatloaf, I reckoned that it was time I had a go at making meatloaf myself. Now I had never had meatloaf before but from the info I had seen online it looked like something I would enjoy *I mean who doesn't love a meat based meal!!! #carnivoresunite!!!*
I saw very many recipes online that gave me an idea of how to do it. As usual I had to JAZ-ify it and I decided to add a few ingredients to spice it up.
My main worry was that it may turn out dry but to my surprise and with the help of the extra ingredients it came out extremely moist and juicy. Now Ill have you know that I didn't have a bread baking tin so I opted to make meat balls instead but by using the same meat loaf ingredients.
Ingredients (serves 5-7)
Mince meat 500g
3 Farmers choice spicy pork sausages
3 slices white bread
1 cup milk
Unsalted butter
2 onions
6 cloves garlic
Worcestershire sauce
Bread crumbs
black pepper
1 pack Macaroni
beef cube
Parmesan cheese
Cheddar cheese
1 bottle BIO Cooking cream
Red pepper /hoho
Pack of mixed veggies
1/2 cup Ketchup
1/2 cup Dark brown sugar
2 tomatoes
Vegetable oil/olive oil
I started off by boiling the water for the macaroni. After the water was boiled, I added them and cooked for 7-10 minutes with a dash of salt and two tablespoons vegetable oil. I then drained them and put them aside. To stop the cooking process, run cold water through them and then add a bit of oil and mix well with your fingers so that they don't stick to each other. Heat oven to 180 degrees.
I then put 1 chopped onion and 3 cloves garlic to cook. After a min or two I added the chopped red pepper, abit of oregano, parsley and basil and the macaroni shortly after. I then added some cooking cream (1 cup), 1 teaspoon black pepper and a dash of salt (but not too much because cheese has alot of salt) Make sure you stir well.
I then took it off the stove and started mixing the macaroni with the cheeses and the remaining cream in my baking tin.
After that I put the macaroni and cheese in the oven to bake for about 7 minutes (or as long as cheese starts melting and the top browns a bit) Once it is done, remove and leave to sit for about 5 min before serving.
Steam veggies with 1/2 beef cube and 1 teaspoon royco for some flavor for about 10 minutes. Make sure not to overcook so that veggies remain crunchy.
In another pan, I sauteed my chopped onion and the remaining cloves of garlic with 3 tablespoons butter.
In a bowl I soaked three slices of bread in 1 cup of milk.
In a small bowl I grated two tomatoes, added half a cup brown sugar and mixed with half cup ketchup and put aside to glaze later.
I then took the three spicy pork sausages and removed the inside stuffing and threw the covers away. (see pic below)
In another bowl I put the minced meat, the chopped dhania/correander, 1 egg, Breadcrumbs, the pork stuffing, the sauteed onions and garlic with their butter, a dash of worsestershire sauce, a dash of salt and mixed with my hands. I then added the soaked bread and mixed well.
After that I formed little balls out of them and put them on a greased oven tray. I then covered each one with the sugar mixture that I had previously put aside and put in the hot oven to bake for about 25-30 minutes.
Every 10 minutes I opened the oven and moved them around to prevent them from sticking. I also added the sugary salsa on each one twice in between baking.
At this point the aromas coming out from the oven were simply heavenly!!!
The sugary salsa compliments the spice perfectly. After they were sizzling and cooked, I removed them from the oven to serve with the macaroni and steamed veggies!!!
So there you have it! Moist, juicy mini meatloaves served with creamy mac& cheese and crunchy veggies.
Now who wouldn't find that yummy.
Simple and incredibly tasty!
Awaiting your FEEDback!
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