Monday 3 February 2014

Tortillas with 7 toppings!

Happy new week guys!!!
I was quite busy in the kitchen this past weekend! Decided to make tortillas for the first time with a few toppings....well somehow they ended up being 7!! :-)


Tortillas [ready made]
Boneless Chicken breast cut in cubes
Red, green and yellow peppers [hoho]
4 tomatoes
3 onions [1 red and two white]
2 Sweet mangoes
Black pepper
Cayenne pepper
Vegetable oil/olive oil
Curry powder
salt to taste
Edam/cheddar cheese

I started off by making all of my toppings!

For the caramelized onions:-
I sliced up my onions and put them to cook with half a cup water and 3/4 cup sugar on low heat.
It took up to 15 minutes for the onions to cook and brown. Please note that you must be careful that the onions don't become too sticky by adding some water.

For the mango chutney:-
I peeled and cut up my sweet mangoes in small cubes and put on a pan to cook with some sweet and sour sauce plus a dash  of cayenne pepper. This took only 5 minutes or less.

For the Guacamole:-
I opted to just mix my avocados with some lime/lemmon and salt since I had already used the onions in another topping. Peel and cut up in small cubes. The lemon helps in preserving the color of the avocado and preventing it from blackening.

For the curry chicken:-
I cooked some garlic and onions. I then mixxed in my sliced red, green and yellow peppers and allowed to simmer for about 2 min. I then grated in 4 tomatoes, added 3 tablespoons curry powder, the chicken cubes and left to cook for about 10 minutes. After that I added some salt and abit of black pepper and put aside.

For the salad dressing:-
I used 1/2 cup mayonnaise, 1/4 cup ketchup, black pepper and the juice of half an orange.
The last two toppings consisted of Grated cheddar/edam cheese and lettuce.

I prepared all my toppings before heating up the tortillas. 
Since they were ready made, all I needed was to place them on a hot pan without any oil for about 10 seconds on each side to brown a bit.

  Heat oven to 180degrees.
After that I placed some tortillas on an oven tray and put a few of the toppings in this order, chicken curry, mango chutney, caramelized onions and topped with grated cheese. I then placed them for about 2 minutes or less just enough time for the cheese to melt and for all the flavors to create a lovely fusion.

After that, I removed them from the oven, put some lettuce with some guacamole, and finally topped with the salsa dressing.

And vuala my tortillas were ready!!!
 The beauty of this recipe is how the sweetness from the onions and mangoes blend so well with the saltiness and spice from the curry.
Don't be fooled by the size-you can fill up very easily by eating just one or you could serve two for those with an extra appetite!
They were such a hit with my friends and the clean plates in the sink can attest to that! :-))
The good thing about these tortilla wraps is that you can put in just about anything. If youre looking to eat healthy you can stir fry some veggies or some fruit chutney and eat them with a nice low fat dressing. It can be done!!! Don't limit yourself!

Also note that you can find most of these ingredients at any uchumi or nakumatt i.e the sweet and sour sauce, or the tortillas.


Awaiting your feedback! *literally!*

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