Friday 4 April 2014


Hey guys!!!!
Yey its Friday!!!
Its been a fast week *thank God!*

So now I must say I'm officially a juicer, 3 juices in one week, I have definitely joined the club :-))))

I believe it was time to make get to the legendary "GREEN SMOOTHIE" Oh yess! First and foremost shout out to my girl Sheila Mallowah for introducing me to this beautiful world of juicing. She made me the green smoothie a few mths ago alongside many others, but this one was definitely my favorite.
Okay I know that no one likes taking a green drink but let me tell you guys that this green smoothie is just the business!! *for lack of better words* the taste and color but above all the benefits.

I have grown up eating kales which are known as sukuma-wiki here in Kenya. Every household in Kenya serves sukuma-wiki most times with one of the staple foods ugali. So all we've ever done is eat sukuma-wiki, so you can imagine how shocked  I was in finding out that it could actually be combined with other fruits and vegetables to make a juice which tastes great and is easy to consume.

Another benefit of juicing kale is that you are getting it in it’s raw state without cooking it. This allows you to get the maximum benefit of all the nutrients and enzymes. It’s also easier for your body to absorb the nutrients because it’s already broken down.

I read up on the benefits last night and I was totally sold out on this veggie. They are as follows:-
 One cup of chopped kale contains 33 calories and 9% of the daily value of calcium, 206% of vitamin A, 134% of vitamin C, and a whopping 684% of vitamin K. It is also a good source of minerals copper, potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus.
Kale’s health benefits are primarily linked to the high concentration and excellent source of antioxidant vitamins A, C, and K -- and sulfur-containing phytonutrients.
  • Skin health: Kale juice has Vitamin A which is essential for the health of the skin. It has been proved helpful in preventing a host of skin diseases as well. A glass of kale juice everyday or night keeps all skin diseases at bay. *so you can throw away some of those face creams, what you eat and drink actually affects the state of your skin alot*
  •  Good cleanser: Kale juice is a very good cleanser for skin. It detoxifies your body from within and hence translates into a healthy glowing skin outside. * and who doesn't need that every now and then*
  •  Hair elasticity: If you experience hair breakage, you sure haven’t tried kale juice as yet. Kale juice increases your hair elasticity. It even helps increase your hair strength and makes your mane thicker.
  •  Hair growth: Kale juices helps increase the circulation in the scalp. This way it contributes in increasing the hair growth at a faster rate. This is because it is packed with both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, a rare combination. *Halleluyah to this cause I've personally cut my hair because of breakage and I'm definitely upping my kale intake for better results*
  •   Fights flakes: Kale juice helps fight flakes in your hair. It also helps a great deal in improving dry scalp by moisturizing it well.
  •  Fights and treats cancer: yes, you heard it right! Kale juice does help in fighting and treating cancer. Glucosinolate, found in Kale juice is really good for treating cancer and preventing it. It is specially found useful in treating breast cancer, prostate cancer, bladder cancer and colon cancer. *Prevention is better than cure*
  •  Healthier bones: Kale juice is rich in Vitamin K, which is responsible for healthier bones. People who are deficient of Vitamin K are at a greater risk of fractures and other bone-related problems. It is rich in calcium as well, which helps maintain overall health of the bones. *I personally need this*
  •  Cardiovascular supports: Kale juice helps in reducing cholesterol and hence gives cardiovascular support. It keeps cholesterol under check which is a major reason behind cardio problems.
So you see now why I made this green smoothie and just why you should join me in making green smoothies whenever you can.

Ingredients:- Makes 3 large glasses
A handful of kale/ sukuma-wiki
4 to 5 oranges
1/4 cup any juice or water

Start off by washing the kale very well. Most of the ones sold in our supermarkets or in the roadside markets are very dirty so it needs a thorough clean especially since you are about to consume it without cooking it. Once you are done, chop it up.
Wash and peel oranges and chop them up in large cubes.  

Blend or juice. At this point you can add some water, or a little bit of juice for it to become lighter.

Serve and consume before 20 minutes are up.

Welcome to the #JUICINGLIFE
Lets toast to healthier bodies, skin, bones and hair.



  1. Vitamin Green supplements is what I take before breakfast every day. I make a smoothie with wild blueberries, fresh ground Flax seed and juice or other tea, and add a banana and this is what I have to start my day.

  2. This is actually the kind of information I have been trying to find. Thank you for writing this information.
    cold press juicer
